
An in-depth dive into nature inclusive designs

NiD4OCEAN will go beyond the state-of-the-art, laying strong foundations for this emerging field.

To build a sustainable future where offshore renewables and ocean protection go hand in hand, at the NiD4OCEAN project we are committed to advancing the field of nature-inclusive designs (NiDs). Our ambition is to support the transition towards a sustainable blue economy, by providing science-based tailored solutions to industry, managers, and policymakers.

© Ole Jørgen Bratland

The project's main goals


Build a strong knowledge base for the emerging field of nature-inclusive designs by mapping current solutions and creating new ones for offshore renewable energy across European seas.


Explore the benefits and risks of these designs by developing tools to measure their impact on the environment, economy, and livelihood of coastal communities at various stages and scales.


Provide guidelines for choosing, implementing, and monitoring these designs with input from industry and policymakers, and tailor them to specific regions, ecosystems, and technologies.


Increase awareness about the importance of balancing biodiversity and decarbonisation through engagement and strategies aimed at all users of the sea.

Work Packages

Running for 36 months, NiD4OCEAN is divided into six work packages

WP1: Project Coordination and Management

Lead: NIVA

Objectives: a) To ensure effective work plan implementation and manage the project in line with the Grant Agreement (GA) and Consortium Agreement (CA). b) To facilitate efficient communication within the consortium and assure effective reporting and transfer of information to the European Commission (EC). c) To manage scientific data and ethics in accordance with the highest EU standards

  • Task 1.1. Scientific project coordination (Leader: NIVA, contributors: All partners)
  • Task 1.2. Consortium communication and meetings (Leader: NIVA, contributors: All partners)
  • Task 1.3. Administrative, legal and financial management (Leader: NIVA, contributors: All partners) Task 1.4. Data and ethics management (Leader: NIVA, contributors: All partners)

WP Leader/Lead: CSIC

Objectives: a) Map existing NiDs for offshore renewables, focusing on offshore wind, and compile a catalogue considering the specific technological and ecological context from each of the studied regions (Mediterranean, North Sea, Baltic Sea). b) Review the environmental and socio-economic impacts, and the socio-political dimensions associated to NiDs for OWF across their life cycle stages in the three study ecoregions to define assessment metrics. c) Provide a framework and a protocol to assess the effects of NiDs in each study region, with particular emphasis on (i) vulnerable and policy-relevant species and habitats in the frame of EU Directives (Birds and Habitats Directives) and international conventions for the protection of the flora and fauna, and (ii) marine protected areas (Natura 2000 sites and other types of MPAs). Overall, WP2 will contribute to establishing an Accountability Framework as a practical roadmap for addressing the ecological, socio-economic, and sociopolitical challenges of the use of NiDs in OWF.

  • Task 2.1 Mapping of existing NiDs for offshore renewables (Leader: NSF, contributors: Deltares, WR, RGI)
  • Task 2.2 Selection of biodiversity and ecosystem indicators for NiDs in OWF (Leader: KU, contributors: NIVA, DTU-Aqua, NSF, APN, CSIC, EQ)
  • Task 2.3 Development of a socio-economic assessment framework for NiDs in OWF (Leader: CSIC, contributors: KU, NIVA)
  • Task 2.4 Characterization of the socio-political dimensions of OWF and NiDs in the EU context (Leader: NIVA, contributors: KU, NSF, DTU-Aqua, CSIC)

Lead: WR /NIVA

Objectives: a) Identify gaps and provide future directions for novel NiDs, particularly for emerging technologies (e.g., floating offshore turbines, floating solar). b) Establish an innovation challenge series within the NiD4OCEAN network to develop novel NiDs for offshore renewables and raise awareness on the need for these solutions. c) Prototype and test 1-2 novel NiDs for moorings in floating wind turbines under realistic laboratory conditions (bring concept to TRL 4).

  • Task 3.1: Identification of gaps and directions for developing novel NiDs (Lead: WR, contributors: NIVA, Deltares, NSF, KU, CSIC, SPR, EQ)
  • Task 3.2 – Foster the creation of novel NiDs and NBS through Innovation Challenges (Lead: NIVA, contributors: WR, Deltares, DTU-Aqua, KU, CSIC, SPR, EQ, RGI, DNV)
  • Task 3.3 Test structural feasibility of 1-2 novel NIDs for floating wind structures (Lead: Deltares, contributors: WR)

Lead: Deltares

Objectives: To design new science-based tools to support the impact evaluation of Nature Inclusive design measures at different scales. This includes a) Review existing methods and tools to assess NiD-goals and identify gaps. b) Co-develop models to assess effectivity of NiD measures to achieve set goals, addressing local scales as well as ecosystem scales. c) Apply the tools to identified demonstration sites and test their transferability to other systems.

  • Task 4.1: Review data needs and availability for monitoring and modelling NiDs (Lead: Deltares, contributors: KU, CSIC, WR, APN, DTU-Aqua, EQ)
  • Task 4.2 Near-field assessment of selected NiDs (Lead: APN, contributors WR, Deltares, DTU-Aqua)
  • Task 4.3: Mid-far field assessment of selected NiDs (Lead: DTU-Aqua, contributors: KU, CSIC, Deltares, APN)


Lead: DTU-Aqua

Objectives: a) WP5 will deliver co-designed industry-facing decision-support tools to aid NiD selection and help ensure their uptake. b) WP5 will introduce recommendations for NiD standards to be integrated intotechnical qualifications to increase clarity on NiDs most suited to different regions and ecological contexts. Finally, c) WP5 will provide policy clarity on the conditions in which OWF can not only co-exist with biodiversity restoration endeavours in their neighbourhoods but also contribute to them. It will provide recommendations, particularly on conditions under which NiDs at OWF can be considered for helping connect the Natura 2000 MPA network.

  • Task 5.1 Co-design a region-specific decision support tool (DST) for deploying NiDs for OWF (Lead: KU, contributors: CSIC, Deltares, DTU-Aqua, RGI, SPR, EQ)
  • Task 5.2 Recommendations towards standards for NiDs in OWF (lead: DNV, contributors: NIVA, APN, CSIC, Deltares, DTU-Aqua, NSF, RGI, SPR, EQ)
  • Task 5.3 Co-design recommendations and requirements for OWF and biodiversity restoration objectives (Lead: DTU-Aqua, contributors: NIVA, CSIC, KU, RGI, SPR, EQ)

Lead: RGI/Science Crunchers

Objectives: a) To develop a robust visual identity for the project and effectively communicate and disseminate project results to pertinent audiences across Europe and beyond. b) To promote the adoption of novel NID solutions developed and tested during the project among relevant stakeholders in the three sea basins covered by the consortium with the support of a Decision Support Tool. c) To ensure that the outcomes of the project and the ground-breaking NID solutions will be widely disseminated, communicated, and leveraged even beyond the project’s duration through a comprehensive communication strategy, user-friendly products, event organisation, and outreach activities.

  • Task 6.1 Branding, digital channels, and communication toolbox (Lead: SCC; Contributors: all others)
  • Task 6.2 Stakeholder engagement (Lead: RGI; Contributors: all partners)
  • Task 6.3 Outreach activities (Lead: RGI, Contributors: all consortium partners)

Key Messages

Our communication activities within the NiD4OCEAN project will focus on the following key messages

Understanding the role of offshore renewable energy in biodiversity conservation and restoration

The rapid growth of offshore renewable energy infrastructure required to meet Europe’s decarbonization targets has raised concerns on potential conflicts with biodiversity conservation and restoration goals. By integrating nature-inclusive designs (NiDs), offshore wind infrastructure can potentially play a dual role — delivering energy with lower carbon emissions while contributing to restoring ecosystems. Gaining a better understanding of how NiDs function and perform is key to setting realistic expectations for the role offshore renewable infrastructure can play in supporting biodiversity restoration and conservation, as a first step towards the development of best practices and standards for their adoption. Importantly, NIDs do not substitute sound Maritime Spatial Planning but rather complement avoidance, mitigation measures  and careful infrastructure design.

Nature-inclusive designs: defining an emerging field to foster innovation

Nature-inclusive designs (NiDs) offer new possibilities to integrate biodiversity conservation and restoration within offshore renewables infrastructure. However, significant knowledge gaps remain regarding the use of NiDs across European seas. Addressing these gaps and clarifying what NiDs are, where they are most effective, and how to measure their performance is crucial for delivering robust, evidence-based scientific recommendations and decision-support tools. Using a transdisciplinary approach to synthetise knowledge on NiDs will foster the development and co-creation of novel concepts, as well as explore the transferability of existing solutions to different ecoregions.

Guiding decision-makers on adopting nature-inclusive designs into offshore renewable projects

The development of offshore renewables must be conducted responsibly, benefiting both nature and people. Raising awareness among different stakeholders on the need to simultaneously meet both decarbonization and biodiversity goals will help support a just and sustainable energy transition. Collaborating with local communities, industry representatives, environmental NGOs, and other relevant stakeholders is crucial for co-developing policy recommendations and standards. These will guide the selection and implementation of nature-inclusive designs in offshore renewable energy projects, reducing uncertainty, increasing acceptance, and encouraging greater adoption by end users.

Case Studies

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